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May 2021

Sustainable Farming. Reduced Input Costs. 

The Bourgault VOS (Versatile Opener System) fits Horsch Sprinter & Co. and supports sustainable farming with reduced input costs.

Benefits of the VOS system:

  • Drill into a wide variety of situations across a range of soil types. 
  • Minimize soil disturbance and draft due to low rake angle design.
  • Less draft and reduced wear rates at a lower cost per hectare.
  • Even crop establishment due to great consistency in seed placement.
  • Increased moisture retention.

Customer Testimonials


“In 2018 we changed to VOS and it was a real game-changer! We thought that the knock-on points we were using previously created low disturbance, but the VOS single shoot is something else. I had to check that the field had been drilled, and even questioned the student to make sure he had done the job!

The main reason we changed was because of how VOS distributes the fertilizer; alternative openers just spray the fertiliser on the soil after the coulter. I wanted the fertiliser to be under the seed or at least under the soil. VOS does just this, plus I can go straight from rape seed to beans without changing anything on the drill leg.”

Leigh Donger, Peacock Farm

“We’d been min-tilling OSR ground and found that producing satisfactory seedbeds that would allow for the timely and reliable establishment of the crop without them drying out and losing moisture was becoming more and more difficult to achieve. I’d looked at a number of competing drill coulters but was always drawn back to the level of low disturbance of the VOS.

We spent a few hours with Stuart discussing how the coulter would work and the types of soil conditions we’d expect to be working in, and we finally concluded the VOS would suit our needs. We have to date achieved an acreage of 4,655 and believe we will successfully break the 5,000 acre barrier.”

James Mayes, Bentfield Bury Farms (Sentry Ltd)

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